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    • Motor FAQ's

      In case of any odd behavior of your motor you might want to check this section. We are updating the questions and answers whenever we come across an interesting answer in our daily support.

      This varies according to each application. Factors such as operating environment, duty cycle, input power, and how the motor or gear motor is coupled to the load all directly affect product life. Mechanical design factors of the overall mechanism, such as running the motor into hard stops or back-driving the gearheads, affect product lifetime. Generally speaking, brush type motors can run for several thousand hours, when run at nominal conditions. If long lifetime is one of your design criteria, you should consider using brushless motors. These motors are typically limited in their life only by ball bearing wear. If you have detailed questions on this point, it would be best to contact us and call one of our Application Engineers.

      Yes. In fact, if you can design your device to run the motor slower (lower than nominal voltage) this is a very good thing. Running at lower voltages (and therefore lower speeds) means less brush bounce and less brush/commutator wear for brush type motors, lower current consumption, and longer motor life. On the other hand, if size restrictions and performance requirements demand additional torque and/or speed, overdriving the motor is possible. You must, however, be willing to sacrifice product lifetime if you overdrive the motor.






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